Saturday, August 13, 2011

Let Me Be Me

I was in a church service several weeks ago and the very presence of God had filled the temple. As I lifted my hands in worship and connected my heart to the heart of God, I heard the Lord speak to me and say," Will you let me be me?". The question made my heart heavy as the Lord continued to speak to me. He said, " I come into your services and fill your temples and all I want to do is be ME". The tears began to fall as I dealt with the thought that God with all his power and glory was pleading with me to let him be who he is. God said to me that night that, " He comes into our churches and he does not want to be conformed into what we want him to be, he does not want to be programmed into a box, he only wants to be who he is". He said, I am the healer, will you let me be me, I am the deliverer, will you let me be me, I am the redeemer and restorer, will you let me be me, all I want to do is be ME". Then I began to think, this is the all powerful, all knowing God and creator of all things and he is pleading with us his creation to let him be who he is. Then he gave me the analogy of how we feel when we hang out with people that accept us for who we are. Those that just let us be ourselves when we are with them. We do not have to pretend or conform to who they would rather we be, but they just let us be who we are. This is what God desires from us his children. He wants us to receive all of him and accept him for who he is. He is Lord over all circumstances and situations but we hinder him with our own personal agendas about what we think we need him to be and all he desires is to be who he is......God. It is time that we the people of God just let God be God in our services and stop inviting him in to our beautiful churches full of programs that dictate to him who he can be in our service. Just let God be God. As God was speaking to me in that service he just kept asking over and over again," Will you just let me be me, all I want to do is be ME". In Isaiah 43: 10-13 10). You are my witnesses, says the Lord, And my servant whom I have chosen, That you may know and believe me. And understand that I am He. Before me there was no God formed, Nor shall there be after me. 11). I, even I, am the Lord, And besides me there is no savior. 12). I have declared and saved, I have proclaimed, And there was no foreign god among you; Therefore you are my witnesses, says the Lord that I am God. 13). Indeed before the day was, I am He; And there is no one who can deliver out of my hand; I will work and who will reverse it?" Today this scripture left me asking the question again, "Will you let God be God? Will you let him be God over your circumstances? Will you let him be who he is because in who he is, IS all that you NEED. He created you my sweet sister or brother and he knows all about you and all he wants you to do is receive him for who he is. Welcome him in and let him be himself in your life. God is asking you today, " Will you let me be ME?".


Joyce said...

I really enjoyed this message and thanks so much.

Valeria said...

Sis Lora, I was questioning something that I knew was God. After reading your blog, I will let God be God! Thank you so much for restarting your blog!

christ1 said...

Val, pray for me as I follow the will of God for my life. The writer in me is being rebirthed. God bless you. Love you girl.

christ1 said...

Joyce, my big sister your comment means so much to me. Glad it was such a blessing to you. I love you.

Sisters of Joy said...

Lora I am glad to have you back in the land of the "alive" writers. Your words are so powerful and they evoke the very presence of God. Thank you for allowing them to flow in the way that God requires because not only is my life impacted by them but many others I am sure. Remember God said for us to give not thought for what we will that let's you know that he will always have a ready word for this blog. May the blessings of God continue to flow through you every time you open your computer to write. Love you my sister.

PoeticPraiz said...

Wow! "Let Me Be Me" When you told me the title I was thinking it was about us letting us be who we are, so I understood the analogy completely. We all just want to be who we are, so why wouldn't God? Why do we limit him to being what we want at the moment instead of being all we need all times! This is awesome ma! Loved it! Thank you for sharing!